Back To Work

*** Don’t forget to enter to win a free pair of Pro Compression Marathon Sock! There are still two more days left! ***

What a weekend! I am going to go out on a limb here and say that this was the first weekend in a long while I felt normal. My weekend consisted of eating, drinking, hanging at the pool, walking, and spending time with awesome people. Easily one of the hardest things about the rehab process is feeling like a hermit. My friends were amazing and came over a ton but still, getting out of the house and feeling some sunshine on your skin and NOT air conditioned breezes is amazing.saturdayfunSomething that I apparently do not find so amazing is papaya. I am pretty sad about this. I waited for a whole week to cut open my beautiful papaya and holy smokes did the color just make me swoon. So with out tasting it (I have had frozen before, but never fresh) I threw together a salad of kale, papaya, chicken, avocado, and raspberry walnut dressing. As you can see most of the papaya didn’t even get to leave the bowl. I can’t even remember what it tasted like or why I didn’t like it but it ended up not making it into my belly. Sorry papaya.papayafailA meal that did make it into my belly was Sunday night’s grill out with the boy. We made turkey burgers with two different barbeque flavors, grilled butternut squash, and sauteed kale in balsamic. Twas delicious! I love summer time and being able to grill, there is nothing like grill marks to make everything taste better, plus there are less dishes!grillinNow the news that is the most exciting of all is that I am back in my office (I teleworked for the last 3 weeks), which means I have my gym back!! There is nothing more depressing than my apartments gym. Granted I did notice that there is some new equipment in there (including stationary bikes) it is still small and there isn’t much to look at. So today I hopped on the Octanee XR6000 (love this machine) for a bit of time and then went and did 8 minute abs and some stretching. The reason for the glorious mirror shot is because I was so excited about how sweaty I was. It is just impossible for me to work up a real sweat on the stationary bike. Moving on to something completely irrelevant: A nice little bonus from the weekend is that all the sun I got resulted in some kick ass tan lines on my knee. Also do you see how adorably tiny all the scars are? The top three are non existent! GTLThis last beautiful picture is of my lunch today. When you only buy fresh produce and meat every week it becomes a problem when you get caught chatting away on the phone with your mom when you are supposed to be going grocery shopping… Well that happened to me last night so lunch today was 3 eggs, scrambled, and with some BBQ sauce I found in the fridge at work. Pretty pathetic right? Don’t worry, I have a list for everything I plan on buying at the grocery store after work / PT today. I am heading to my parents this weekend so I can be all wild and crazy at the grocery store because I am only feeding myself for 4 days!eggs

Q: What piece of cardio equipment is your favorite if you can’t run?
Q: What is the longest period of time you have gone with out running?
Q: What do you do when your fridge is empty? Whats the strangest “this is all I have” meals you have made?

Categories: Food

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14 replies

  1. AH sad you didn’t like the papaya, that salad looks so beautiful! You tried it though and now you know! If I can’t run you better believe I am going on a spin bike for sure! SPIN SPIN SPINN!! WAHOO for making it back into the office. You are kicking assssssss.

    • When you say spinning is that different than a regular stationary bike? I have yet to take a spin class and I will use the sit and lean back bikes because it makes my knee do the most bending and that’s the goal. And thank you ladyyyy.

  2. The papaya thing makes me laugh. Keith will push things aside that he doesn’t like, but I eat everything without discrimination.

    Also… I sweat like a pig on the bike! Hooow do you not sweat? I’m super happy you got your sweat on though. I know you were missing it!! Keep hanging in there. You are doing so great.

    • I don’t sweat because my PT won’t let me put any resistance on so I’m basically just spinning by wheels! And I normally am so good about trying and liking stuff but I sort of love the salad dressing and chicken combo right now that the papaya muted it and I just wasn’t having it.

      BTW – your balloon is still alive and well, it’s been over a month!!

  3. I am with Brittany on this one, SPIN is the best cardio class for me if I can not run. I should do more spin, even though I am still running…because it helps with the cardio and endurance big time!!
    Longest I did not run since I started running… almost 3 weeks. It is killing me to get it back, but I am tryinG!

    • Congrats on getting back in!! It is crazy to think I have been out of running for close to 7 weeks, still have another 2 – 3 months left. I think my PT lady is getting annoyed with me because I tell her what I have been doing as work outs and she is like okay well you are really taking the bull by the horns. But seriously I’m going nuts!

  4. Welcome back girl!!!
    I went 6 months without running when I was on blood thinners. I hated it but got into weightlifting which was a positive and always loved a spin class!

  5. I agree that getting out is so important to my mental health! I work from home, so I especially feel that! Good luck with the continued rehab!!

  6. I think 4 days I’ve gone without running… if I ever go a week, I think i’ll lose it! It’s such a stress reliever and keeps me in a good mood! I’ll have to say after my first marathon, I’ve cut back as running as frequently though! Do you run everyday?


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