Jalapeño 1 – Megan 0

Have you ever had a jalepeño popper? Well they are basically hollowed out peppers stuffed with cream cheese, then finally topped with shredded cheese and panko. Sounds good so far right? I should have known better but I helped out in making these with out gloves. I had a terrible run in with some habaneros and my contacts back in college so really, shame on me. So I assisted in making some poppers on Sunday while attending a cook out at the boys. After my attention diverted to something else I went and washed my hands and got a glass of water. I am a klutz and spilled some water and proceeded to wipe my face. Let’s just say that was the worst decision ever. Immediately my face started to burn thanks to the capsaicin from the peppers that was stuck on my hands. I rubbed down my new red goatee with an ice cube for about 20 minutes before just giving up. On Monday my face was VERY dry and I lotioned aggressively. This morning I checked out my face in the mirror and this is what I saw:faceTHIS IS NOT A GOOD LOOK FOR ME. After some aggressive scrubbing with some St.Ives and some heavy duty moisturizer my face no longer looks like it will fall off. Gross.

In happier news I had a stellar Monday! I had a walking / dessert date with Mary from Minutes Per Mile. She is much better at taking pictures than I am so I am going to recycle one that she took:p1010164We started out with a 2 mile stroll to Yocake. One of my coworkers family members owns Yocake so I was really excited to try it. Basically a “Yocake” is a fancy cup with a cupcake AND froyo on top of said cupcake… What was even more exciting was that we when got to Yocake we saw this beautiful sign and quickly “checked in”.yocakeOnce we made it to the front door we realized that the shop had closed 15 minutes before we arrived #FAIL. After some wondering and another closed cupcake shop we landed at PinkBerry. Mary is pretty awesome and if you have never visited her blog you should do so promptly. She is a writer by profession so I can promise her posts are far easier to read than mine : ) She also has a marathon this weekend in PA so stop by and wish her luck. She is a running monster and has covered just about all the runnable neighborhoods of DC and even ventures out into my beloved Virginia from time to time! Talking to her made me realize I really need to get my shit together and get serious about speed work if I have any hope of finishing the MCM in under 4 hours. Woof.

Mary also asked me if I had met up with any other fellow bloggers and I realized that this month is pretty crazy with blogger buddy meet ups. To start I met Pam and Caroline for a trail run a few weeks ago and ran again with Pam at the Boston Memorial run on Sunday, I met Christy on a group run last week and found out we lived in the same building!, then I met Mary last night, on Saturday I will be running a 10k and meeting up with Rana at the race, then Brennan and her hubby are coming over Saturday night for dinner with myself and my Brennan, AND next weekend I will be in Seattle and seeing Brittany and possibly Britta. Can you say holy blogger love April / May. And I can’t forget that Sarah and I went to the Cherry Blossom expo together, that is 9 bloggers in one month!!

After PinkBerry we parted ways and I took off looking for a metro station that would take me home. The train was super packed and I was enjoying walking around, so I hopped off the metro a stop away from my apartment to tack on an extra half mile walk or so. I think the Earth Day gods liked this choice because on my journey home I came across $30 on the ground. I win! All in all it was a great rest day and I am looking forward to getting in a run / lift after work today.

Since this blog is about food & fitness I think it is time to share some yummy recipes. I think dessert can always come before dinner so lets start there. Do you ever buy a bag of apples and by the end you have 2 or 3 that are a little bruised and you just don’t want to eat them? Yea me too. Well I found a way to take care of those pesky buggers. A food processor!!! I used 3 small apples and removed all the seeds and stems. In the blender they went with some cinnamon and a little bit of coconut sugar. I initially thought this would make apple sauce. It did not but I was still very happy with the results!applesYummo! The meal that came before the apples was pretty stellar as well. If you are new to my blog there is a recipe that I am incredibly in love with and even said that if you only try one thing off of this site that you try this. Well I made it again and it is still amazing. Here is the original post: Coconut Cream Delight. The version I made was a bit more simple. It was just coconut milk, garlic chili sauce, kale, onions, and a left over bison burger.curry bisonYum.

Q: How many blogging buddies have you met?
Q: What is the last great thing you had to eat?
Q: I know it is only Tuesday but are you looking forward to anything this weekend?
Q: Have you ever found money on the ground? How much?

Categories: Random Musings

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16 replies

  1. TIME OUT!?!?!?! YOU and Britta may meet up!?!?! I WANT TO COME!! WHAT THE EFF!! Seriously your blogger meetings are legit and I am whoa jealous. I am jazzed we get to hangout though..I’ll take that over anything! The person that thought of yocake..genius. Oh and I had to laugh at the jalopeno face..that hit you good wowza!

    • Brittanyyyyy, she may come to Seattle and join us!!!!

      • RIGHT!!!! I wouldn’t come to Seattle and not tell you about it Britt!!! I am hoping I don’t work on the 5th so I can hop on the ferry and come down! HOLY BANANAS already so freaking excited – cross your fingers!! Man, what a jalapeño disaster – intense little buggers, Geeze!

  2. Love blogger meet ups! I wish I lived in DC where all of you are so I could have them more often! That jalopeno face… oh man I didn’t know that could happen! That cupcake place looks really good. I might have to check it out 🙂

    • You are close enough for a weekend visit still! You will always be the first blogger I’ve met : ) awwww haha If you go to yocake invite me, I am so sad that it was closed!

  3. I’ve met up with only blogging bud (Amy @ Writing While Running). Can’t wait to meet you this weekend!

    The upside of the jalapeno debacle… you got a free chemical peel! Bah, horrible consolation prize, I know. I’m glad you are okay!

  4. IM JEALOUS YOU MEET BLOGGGGGING BUDDIES!!!! ARGGGGGG ! Come visit me and then we can visit Brittany in the bliss.

    I am sooo sorry that the peppers got the best of you. I made these before but I suran wrapped my hand completely first and was save from the evil juices that ruin skin.

    I want to go to this cupcake, frozen yogurt place you speak of! We don’t have anything like that here and I’m drooling.

    • I thought I heard that you and Mr.Speedy were going to Seattle to pick up Brittany in the Bliss and Manfriend and then coming to DC to grab me and my manfriend and we were going to Europe to have the time of our lives…

  5. OH MY GOODNESS! That is so crazy about your pepper! And so jealous of the blogging meetups!

  6. Next time (if there is a next time!), rub some coconut oil on your face. It’s a miracle for everything!

    • Nice tip! I was at the boys and they definitely don’t have coconut oil but if I decide to torture myself with peppers again I will do it in the comfort of my own home with coconut oil close by.

  7. I can’t say I’ve had the pleasure to meet any of the friends I’ve made online in person…but I’m in Mississippi and I’m pretty far off from most of them.

    I have a 5k and a music/arts festival to look forward to this weekend, AND I’m already looking forward to my 25th birthday celebration NEXT weekend…I like to plan ahead 🙂

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