Green ‘Pasta’ and New Duds

This week / weekend was a total whirlwind. Between watching Sasha, watching my friends cat, checking on the cats at my apartment (roommate was out of town), running, and working all week I was beat come yesterday. Sunday is always my long run days and I was determined to get out and log the necessary miles. I normally go running on Sunday around 9am so I am done early but I couldn’t leave Sasha until around 1 yesterday. I finally dragged my butt out of the house around 3:30pm and set out on a 13 mile run. The weather in DC has been all over lately so the wind is insane, I know it’s not possible BUT I was running against very STRONG wind from about 10 or the 13 miles. The run itself was good, nothing too speedy, I finished in 2 hours. I got into DC at around 3 miles and ran around the Tidal Basin and then down to the lawn that holds all the museums. I hit my half point running around a sculpture garden and then turned around. Not too shabby for a late Sunday run!

My first Ellie collection outfit came in the mail last week! I wasn’t able to try any of it on because I wasn’t home but I decided to wear the new pants on my run Sunday. They are sooooo pretty!! I thought they were black when I picked them out but they are a bit more grey. I definitely had a little bit of sweating going on and it was visible but not that bad. I am learning that in general anything but black bottoms for me are going to end up with some sweat stains. Oh the joys of being a runner! Okay here is the outfit:EllieI love everything about it! The shirt is comfortable and reminds me of the lulu lemon shirts I see people wearing. I am cheap cheap cheap so I never buy designer gym duds. I can guarantee I will be wearing this shirt all the time running once it’s nice out. I probably won’t wear it to my gym just because it’s too much skin to be flashing my coworkers. The pants were SO comfortable and once I got outside the purple in the side stitching really showed and I happened to be wearing my grey and purple shoes so I looked SUPER fabulous. Ellie is pretty awesome and you should try it out. You can do a monthly subscription and get two pieces or buy pieces separately now! Click the banner on the right and you can get 20% off. Winning! Apologies but the cat is not included : ) That is Tarzan, he will be hanging out at my apartment for a little bit, Gidget and Jax do not like him at so he is stuck on lock down in my room. It’s so sad because he is SUCH a sweetie pie!!!

After running I was being good and stretching and my phone rang, the boy invited me out to dinner with his dad and I jumped at the opportunity and got ready oh so speedy. I was super nerdy and timed myself. I pressed start while I was still in my running clothes and hit stop as I walked out of the apartment. 18 minutes! I even blow dried my hair, I would say that the lunch time showers have definitely made me mighty speedy! After dinner I hit up the grocery store and came home to start a little prep work for the week. I like to  make a large something or another and eat it all week for lunch, boring, probably, but I make sure it is delicious.

I had purchased a ton of vegetables prior to finding out I’d be babysitting Sasha all week and had a ton left over. It was a little hard to cook with her around so I pretty much stuck to sauteed vegetables all week, so fun. What I didn’t get to do was cook all the collard greens I had bought. I filled my soup pot with water and put it over high heat. While that came to a boil I de-stemmed all the leaves and then rolled them up and cut them so they looked like ribbons. I boiled them for 5 – 10 minutes (until they were softish) and then drained and ran through a salad spinner to get rid of all the water. Voila, green ‘pasta’!!collardgreensOnce the greens were done I set out for the meat part of my lunches. I saw on Life After Swimming a pulled buffalo chicken recipe that has been calling my name ever since. I used Texas Pete’s hot sauce instead of Frank’s. Franks was like $4 while Texas Pete’s was $1… easy decision. Plus I quite enjoy Texas Pete as well! When I make this again next time I will do something besides the ranch packet. The ingredients list is frightening but time was of the essence so I just used it.pulled chickenAs you can see lunch this week is collard green ‘pasta’ and some buffalo chicken. Yum!! I have a couple big batch meals planned for this week that I am really excited about. I bought some tofu and heavy coconut milk to make a big vegetable and tofu curry last week but wasn’t in my own kitchen. I am SO EXCITED to make it this week. I have missed my kitchen so much!


Q: How was your weekend? What did you do?
Q: Do you have any new recipes you have tried lately that are awesome or that you planning on doing this week?
Q: Where do you get all your running / gym gear from? – Most of my new stuff is Old Navy, the other leggings are TJ Maxx

Categories: Random Musings

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16 replies

  1. I love the Ellie top! I bought one at lululemon (the only thing I own from there) and it is really comfortable and I like that when I get super sweaty the sides are open to let some air in haha sounds like a great weekend to me! It usually takes me 7 minutes to shower and I don’t blow dry my hair so I’m out of my house lickity split in the mornings.

  2. I’m loving that running top! So cute for spring/summer runs! Great job with those 13 miles too, running into the wind is absolutely brutal!

  3. Love the new gear! I hear ya with the black pants though.. I cannot wear anything but black pants either! heading out for a 330pm long run takes some serious motivation – amazing!!!

    • I was being super sneaky and lifting my jacket and being like “ugh damnit” and then pulling it down super far, so not a good look haha. Isn’t it crazy how much easier a morning work out is!

  4. I love that Top!!! I do most of my running apparel shopping at Running Room or Winners 🙂

  5. So glad to hear about your experience with Ellie. I signed up for the newsletter but haven’t bought anything or signed up for a subscription yet. I’ve been hesitant because it’s so new and I wasn’t sure about the quality and I hadn’t heard any testimonials… until yours. Did you sign up for the monthly 2 piece subscription or are you buying pieces just whenever you like something?

    • I do the monthly because you get 2 pieces and it’s cheaper. Plus you can pause it whenever you want, like I don’t need a new outfit every month ya know? You should definitely sign up through my link : ) You would be the first and I’d feel super popular!

      • Is there a limit to how many months you can pause it? Like can I go 3 months without buying anything?

      • No limit! So literally when you want the outfit you unfreeze, if you don’t you freeze! It is super easy, their site is user friendly too. Also being signed up means you will get emails for sale items. I got some 40% off things at the end of Feb so I’m thinking they do it at the end of the month because each collection is only around for a month!

  6. i know exactly how you feel about the ranch packet, but I wasn’t sure what else to sub for it!!! So excited for my ellie outfit to arrive 🙂


  1. CrockPot Challenge « Food & Fitness
  2. Curry After My Heart « Food & Fitness

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Running and Laughing through the Golden State

Peas and Cougars

If real life were a cartoon, I would be a triangle, which is probably better than being a square.

Librarian. Dreamer. Wife & Runner.

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Change of Pace

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