New Kitchen Obsessions

I have been a cooking and cardio machine this last week or so. It feels good getting back to the two things I love most (you too Bren). I am now using the treadmill to do some incline walking, stationary bike, Octance XR6000, and the rowing machine! Variety is making me a much happier gym 2(29)The excitement just radiates through the screen doesn’t it? If you follow me on Instagram you can see a sweet video of me trucking along on the treadmill. If you don’t follow me, you should do that NOW. Okay now that you are back… I have been testing out a new knee compression sleeve as of late in hopes that my knee will not go nutso with all the excitement at the gym… We can talk more about that down the 1(28)It almost feels weird having pictures up of me in normal clothes. I hope you guys still love me nonetheless. For in case your love is wavering because of my non gym attire here is a SUPER simple recipe that will make you love me again. As many of you know Britt in the Bliss is basically my BFF and I really enjoy stealing her recipes. Well this recipe is one of hers tailored to what I had in the house / felt like eating. I am ashamed to say that they lasted all of THREE DAYS in my house. Boogers. I even tried really hard to save one for a friend who is coming over for dinner tonight but I ate it with breakfast… I will make more tonight.

Brittany dubbed these things as “Energy Bites” but I am going to call my recipe “A Little Piece of Heaven“. One upper!photo 1(29)Ingredients:
~ 1 cup dry oatmeal
~ 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
~ 1/2 cup almond butter
~ 1/2 cup ground flax seed
~ 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
~ 6 figs (chopped up)
~ 1/3 cup honey
~ some sunflower seeds (was using up left overs)
~ 1 tsp vanilla
~ large pinch of sea salt (as much as you want really)
~ Other fun goodies to add: raisins, dates, chia seeds, chopped nuts, remove the coconut, cocoa, yogurt chips, protein powder, coffee… get creative!!photo 4(24)In a microwavable measuring cup add the honey, nut butter, and vanilla. Microwave until every one mixes up nicely. Meanwhile throw all your dry ingredients into a bowl and mix up. Once the wet stuff is mixed but not hot (don’t want to melt the chocolate chips… or do you??) add to the oats and other deliciousness and mix well. At this point put the bowl in the fridge for a little bit if you want to make balls out of it. Or you can take a pie pan and press the mixture out and cut into bars once cooled. The sky is the limit so go nuts. I made super mini balls and came up with probably 20 if not more. There were 1 – 2 bite little joys of heaven and I miss them 5(18)Yum. Alright now that you love me again I am going to share one more recipe for you that I am in love with. I have had a giant head of broccoli in my fridge begging to be used so I gave into the pressure and have been eating it for the last two nights. Well last night I hit the jackpot. I started out with a little butter, a little EVOO, salt, pepper, and garlic. The broccoli and onion simmered away for about 5 minutes and then I added in some Orange Muscat Champagne Vinegar and some Classic Dijon. I popped the lid on and let it hang out on low for a few minutes. I am not super patient and I kept opening the lid and mixing. To be honest I was just trying to smell it, GOSH it was SOOOO 3(27)I threw some romano in the pot at the end to add a little tang to it. Mmm mmm good. I served the veggies with some baked cod and corn on the cob. I cooked the cod for 20 minutes @ 375F with mango habenero hot sauce, a tiny bit of butter, and a little romano. Everything was fan fricken 4(23)Pip was lounging on the couch watching me eat. When he realized that the fish was NOT for him he got board with me and passed out. Pip thinks he is the king of the castle. Little does he know that Jax is the the only jungle cat of the house. I’ve decided to dub Pip the well dressed scholar in a penguin suit. Identity 5(17)Q: What is the last killer combo you made up to season / flavor your veggies?
Q: What are your current veggie obsessions? – I’m on a corn on the cob and zucchini kick.
Q: Do you feel uncomfortable snapping pics at the gym? – I don’t love it but I do it!

Categories: ACL Injury, Food

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16 replies

  1. Ooh mango habanero sounds like it is made for me! I currently cover everything in Chipotle Tabasco – but it’s especially good on grilled mushrooms or asparagus! Current veggie obsessions… Hmm that’s a tough one… I’m always obsessed with aubergine though – aubergine+kale+hot sauce+tahini – makes a mess but a delicious mess!

    Ha it’s funny you mention taking photos in the gym… I HATE it… but need to get some photos done this weekend for my business… we’ll see how that goes đŸ˜‰

    • Oh that combo sounds deliciousssss. I actually got the mango stuff at Eastern Market (big farmers market) a year or two ago and just used it up last night. So sadddd.

      Your combo sounds delicious!! I have actually never cooked eggplant before!

  2. I love the hot pink knee brace! That is so awesome!

    Veggie obsessions.. I’m actually really just obsessed with berries right now. Can’t get enough blueberries. And I’m lovin’ on some kale pretty hard too.

    I feel super awkward taking pictures at the gym. I usually wait until I think no one is around, that’s why it always looks like the gym is empty when I do take a pic!

    • I have been enjoying wearing it with dresses also. It’s a beautiful fashion statement!!

      Berries is a good one, one of my GFs got gifted cherries and doesn’t like them so she is bringing them over to me tonight. MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Cherries are SOOOO expensive!!

      I always thought you were smelly and that’s why no one was around… it all makes sense now : )

  3. HAH NO I ate all mine in exactly three days too..I had 12 of them and some like crumbles, and I was the only one eating them. HAH I just couldn’t stop. Wait time out…is there a ring on your ring finger?! I didn’t notice when you texted me that picture, but I do now..WHAT DOES THIS MEAN!!?!?! You and Lilly loves nickname for me makes me laugh. Britt in the Bliss..sounds so romantic.

    • It means its a mirror… And that is my right hand : ) Its an emerald the mama bear bought me for Christmas!!!

      I mean you are pretty romantic… and we are all in love… soooo it makes sense.

  4. Ummm YUM I could eat ALL the corn on the cob! Love that you get variety now đŸ™‚

  5. Yay!! So happy to hear you’re getting into a good routine again! You rock that knee brace! I never go to gyms so I guess I don’t worry about selfies there haha but I feel weird posting selfies on Instagram sometimes. It’s not as accepted in the non-blog world

    • I mean good thing we live in blog land… I am not huge on taking selfies but that is because I never make good faces. I just look “special” I can see how being ridiculously good looking could get tough though. I am glad you still post the selfies, the world deserves to see your BEAUTIFUL face.

  6. My wife loves your cat. She unfortunately will not try fish because she is a vegan but I might give it try.

  7. what a great week its been! You are doing the exact opposite of me… I’ve worked out ONCE đŸ˜€ But it looks like you’re working out enough for the both of us so Imma take it! Gah, those engery bites/pieces of heaven look so freaking good. I always tell myself I will make them one day but never get around to it… kinda like working out – SO LAZY this week. oops đŸ˜€

  8. Have I ever mentioned that our cats our twins? Like, serious twins. Love his tuxedo. Your kitchen adventures look so delicious! Energy bites are one of my favorite snacks to make.


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