PMB – Week 2

Thank you again Hollie for this lovely day of braggery.

Physical Brag: My stomach!! I have been eating great and running all week so my stomach has been uber flat and is making me sooooo happy. I practically look like I used to in a sport bra. I do have way better sports bras now. I have upgraded from lame-o black to hot pink, highlighter yellow, and just about every other form of neon you can imagine.

Mental Brag: Work has been pretty slow lately, its holidays, I work at a government office, people have lots of vacation, my project is winding down, ect, ect. I got wind of a new project / role that has to do with my UI background and spoke up and got the big man to add me to it. So my work load should go up now and I will get to show people how fabulous I can be with UI design, wee!!

Brag: I ran 6 miles on Tuesday and had a 7:30 min/mile at the tale end of my 3 miler yesterday!! I already told every one both of the runs but I’m still super jazzed about it. AND I love my new blog layout and woudl like to brag about how my head has just been swirling with new ideas for it, the creative juices are flowing!!

Categories: Random Musings

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12 replies

  1. Get it girl!! Feeling good about yourself is the best!! You’re rocking the confidence and that’s great 🙂 And six miles! 7:30/mile is flyingggg! You’re just having a winning week if you ask me!

  2. Your run time and distance is most def are a legit speed demon. YESSS to the tummy!! You earned it! 😉

  3. Wow thats amazing! I have got to incorporate abs more, you are inspiring me! And that pace is rockin.

    • Thank you!!! I always try to sneak a little ab work out at the end of my gym sessions, BUT no matter how many sit ups you do if their is that awesome layer of flub you will never see the lines! hence cardio, sigh

  4. Wam. These are awesome and your stomach is great, I’m so happy you are really rocking it!

  5. Way to go! I love the PMB posts!
    I need an awesome stomach. I should not be anywhere without a tshirt!

  6. Heck yes, girl! You’re stomach is looking banging! hahaha Love that you do PMBs 🙂

  7. Congrats on the six miles! I’d be bragging all over the place, too! 7:30 is a KILLER mile pace for your three-miler too. Get it, girl.

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Peas and Cougars

If real life were a cartoon, I would be a triangle, which is probably better than being a square.

Librarian. Dreamer. Wife & Runner.

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Change of Pace

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